crash when trying to upgrade from 2.0.x to 2.3.x

Eugene M. Zheganin eugene at
Wed Feb 15 12:07:59 UTC 2023


On 15.02.2023 12:48, Aki Tuomi wrote:
> Thank you for reporting this issue, which fts driver are you using? Can you provide `doveconf -n` output?
Seems like I'm using ... squat, and this, in turn, seems to be the old 
legacy piece from who knows how long ago installed instance. From your 
question - am I right supposing that if I will get rid of squat things 
will improve ? Also seems like it's worth mentioning that downgrading to 
dovecot 2.3.15 improved things radically - no crash at this time (with 
the same set of configuration files).

dovecot -n output:


# doveconf -n
# 2.3.15 (0503334ab1): /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
# Pigeonhole version 0.5.15 (e6a84e31)
# OS: FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE amd64
# Hostname: it-r-support
auth_debug = yes
auth_debug_passwords = yes
auth_mechanisms = plain login cram-md5 digest-md5
auth_verbose = yes
auth_verbose_passwords = yes
default_client_limit = 40963
default_process_limit = 10240
disable_plaintext_auth = no
first_valid_gid = 1143
first_valid_uid = 1143
hostname =
mail_home = /var/imap/%d/%n
mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir
managesieve_notify_capability = mailto
managesieve_sieve_capability = fileinto reject envelope 
encoded-character vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric
relational regex imap4flags copy include variables body enotify 
environment mailbox date index ihave duplicate mime for
everypart extracttext
mbox_write_locks = fcntl
namespace {
  inbox = yes
  list = yes
  location =
  prefix =
  separator = /
  subscriptions = yes
  type = private
namespace {
  location = maildir:/var/imap/%d/public
  prefix = Public/
  separator = /
  subscriptions = no
  type = public
namespace {
  list = children
  location = maildir:%%h/Maildir:INDEX=~/Maildir/shared/%%u
  prefix = shared/%%u/
  separator = /
  subscriptions = no
  type = shared
passdb {
  args = /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext
  driver = sql
plugin {
  acl = vfile
  acl_shared_dict = file:/var/db/dovecot/shared-mailboxes
  fts = squat
  fts_autoindex = yes
  fts_squat = partial=4 full=10
  quota = maildir:User quota
  quota_rule = *:storage=50G
  quota_rule2 = Trash:storage=+10%%
  quota_rule3 = Spam:storage=+20%%
  quota_warning = storage=95%% quota-warning 95 %u
  quota_warning2 = storage=80%% quota-warning 80 %u
  sieve = ~/.dovecot.sieve
  sieve_after = /var/imap/sieve/sieve-after
  sieve_before = /var/imap/sieve/sieve-before
  sieve_default = /var/imap/sieve/default.sieve
  sieve_dir = /var/imap/%d/%n/sieve
  sieve_global_dir = /var/imap/sieve
  sieve_max_script_size = 1M
postmaster_address = postmaster at
protocols = imap pop3 lmtp sieve
service auth {
  client_limit = 62464
  unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth {
    group = postfix
    mode = 0666
    user = postfix
  unix_listener auth-userdb {
    group = dovecot
    mode = 0660
    user = dovecot
service imap-login {
  client_limit = 10000
  inet_listener imap {
    port = 143
  inet_listener imaps {
    port = 993
    ssl = yes
  process_limit = 10240
  process_min_avail = 1
  service_count = 0
  vsz_limit = 256 M
service imap {
  drop_priv_before_exec = yes
  process_limit = 10240
service managesieve-login {
  inet_listener sieve {
    port = 4190
service pop3-login {
  inet_listener pop3 {
    port = 110
  inet_listener pop3s {
    port = 995
    ssl = yes
service quota-warning {
  executable = script /usr/local/bin/
  unix_listener quota-warning {
    user = dovecot
  user = dovecot
ssl_cert = </usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/live/
ssl_key = # hidden, use -P to show it
syslog_facility = local6
userdb {
  args = /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext
  driver = sql
protocol lmtp {
  mail_plugins = " quota acl sieve"
protocol lda {
  mail_plugins = " quota acl sieve"
protocol imap {
  imap_client_workarounds = tb-extra-mailbox-sep
  mail_max_userip_connections = 512
  mail_plugins = quota imap_quota fts fts_squat



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