[Dovecot] Annoying "feature" in dovecot/pidgeonhole - include depth limitation

Mihai Moldovan ionic at ionic.de
Sat Sep 10 05:36:57 EEST 2011

Hi all,

I'm using dovecot 2.0.14 build on Debian.

The maintainers obviously patch the dovecot source so that it uses the
pidgeonhole sieve system.

Today I ran into a very annoying issue: I created several sieve scripts
and interlinked via the include command, only to find dovecot spewing
this error message at me:
SWREG Newsletter: line 14: error: cannot nest includes deeper than 10

As far as I could see this limitation is hardcoded to a depth of 10 and
can only be changed at compile time.

Why is it in place? I understand that you CAN create loops via the
include command and limiting the inclusion depth is a way to circumvent
loops - but ten is a very low value and the fact that you can't change
it via a config file or sorta is even worse.

My "fix" so far has been ignoring this, i.e. not returning false. I'm
pretty sure that's not the best way to do it but it seems to be working
so far.

I'd really like to hear your opinion on this issue.

Best regards,


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