<br>Started implementing the MasterUser changes to my config files so I can finally offer SPA for pop3/imap.<br><br>Things are working fine with the MasterUser (horray!), however one of my guys started using SPA with Outlook Express and started getting another users mailbox.
<br><br>Turns out to be related to NTLM. His Outlook express is configured for the username of 'johnsmith'. However, you'll see the NTLM took the username from his XP machine login, it appears, which is just "John". However, what is really weird, is the "failed" on the "client out" line, but then the proxy went ahead and proxied to the storage server.
<br><br>Here's some output from debuggage:<br><br>dovecot: Feb 19 16:15:56 Info: auth(<a href="http://mail.infowest.com">mail.infowest.com</a>): client in: AUTH 1 NTLM service=POP3 lip=<a href=""></a> rip=<a href=""></a> resp=<br>dovecot: Feb 19 16:15:56 Info: auth(<a href="http://mail.infowest.com">mail.infowest.com</a>): client out: CONT 1<br>dovecot: Feb 19 16:15:56 Info: auth-worker(
<a href="http://mail.infowest.com">mail.infowest.com</a>): sql(John,<a href=""></a>): query: SELECT a.clearpasswd AS password, v.storeIP AS host, CONCAT(IF('John' LIKE '%@%.%',CONCAT(LCASE('John'),''),CONCAT(LCASE('John'),'@',
p.host)),'*masteruser') AS destuser, 'Y' AS nologin, 'Y' AS nodelay, 'Y' AS proxy, 'masterpass' AS pass FROM iwmailsystem.virtmailbox AS v INNER JOIN iwmailsystem.popservers AS p ON (
p.storeIP = '<a href=""></a>') INNER JOIN authenticate.users AS a ON (a.userID = IF('John' LIKE '%@%.%',CONCAT(LCASE('John'),''),CONCAT(LCASE('John'),'@',
p.host))) WHERE v.userID = IF('John' LIKE '%@%.%',CONCAT(LCASE('John'),''),CONCAT(LCASE('John'),'@',p.host)) AND v.client_active=1;<br>dovecot: Feb 19 16:15:56 Info: auth(<a href="http://mail.infowest.com">
mail.infowest.com</a>): password(John,<a href=""></a>): Credentials: 8447128CC04AD05D1CD15F0C2F17F136<br>dovecot: Feb 19 16:15:57 Info: auth(<a href="http://mail.infowest.com">mail.infowest.com
</a>): client out: FAIL 1 user=John host=<a href=""></a> destuser=john@host.com*masteruser nologin proxy pass=masterpass<br>dovecot: Feb 19 16:15:57 Info: pop3-login: proxy(John): started proxying to
<a href=""></a>: user=<John>, method=NTLM, rip=<a href=""></a>, lip=<a href=""></a><br><br><br>Questions:<br>
1) So is it possible to use OE for SPA authentication without it sending the "XP username", but the actual account username OE is configured for ?<br><br><br>2) Why, when it "FAIL"ed did it still proxy? This seems bad :)