[Dovecot-news] Released Sieve v0.1.9 for Dovecot v1.2.1

Stephan Bosch stephan at rename-it.nl
Thu Jul 23 00:47:12 EEST 2009

Hello Dovecot users,

Relatively many bugs and problems were reported recently in a short 
period of time. Apparently, now that Dovecot v1.2 is finally stable, the 
new Sieve plugin is also starting to get used much more. No known bugs 
remain. Let's hope I didn't spawn any new ones.

Apart from the bugfixes I made the deprecated notify plugin 
implementation compatible with CMUSieve. You can use it, but keep in 
mind that the (rather stupid) denotify command is not (yet) implemented 
and that the $text$ substitution does not work (yes, there is a world of 
differences compared to enotify).

Changelog Sieve v0.1.9:

   * Removed the unfinished sieve-filter tool from the default
     build. It is now only built when the --with-unfinished-features
     switch is supplied during configure.
   + Started building support for the ereject version of the reject
     action, which has a preference to use an SMTP/LMTP protocol error in
     stead of a bounce message. This is to be used to make the Sieve
     plugin honour Deliver's -e parameter. This is not yet finished and
     not built by default.
   + Improved 'Permission denied' error messages just like Dovecot does,
     precisely specifying what permission is missing to access or create
     a file.
   + Added additional headers to the list of allowed headers for the
     address test. The restrictive nature of the address test is not
     always appropriate. Still thinking of a better, less restrictive
   + Made the deprecated notify extension compatible with the old
     CMUSieve plugin. However, the denotify command and the $text$
     substitution are not yet supported.
   + Made the discard action log a message to avoid confusion about
     disappearing messages.
   - Fixed behavior of fileinto when delivering into a namespace prefix.
     It now uses silent delivery into INBOX as fallback.
   - Fixed logging of folder namespace prefix upon delivery into a
     prefixed namespace. Formerly it only logged the bare folder name.
   - Fixed a potential segfault in the argument validation. It didn't
     surface because no command could have a :tag followed by an
     associated parameter as last argument.
   - Fixed segfault bug occuring in envelope test when performed on null
     (<>) envelope path. The fix involves a rather large restructuring of
     the code to make sure envelope addresses are properly handled
     everywhere (bug reported by Nikita Koshikov)
   - Envelope: fixed bug in application of address parts; failure to
     obtain the part would cause inappropriate match success (bug
     reported by Ron Lee)
   - Fixed extension conflict checks during validation. It could
     sometimes produce useless errormessages. This is currently only used
     by the deprecated extensions.
   - Forgot to remove old explicit storage library dependency (patch by
     Arkadiusz Miskiewicz).
   - Fixed compiler warnings on certain platforms regarding the use
     fwrite for outgoing message construction


The releases are available as follows:



Have fun testing the new releases and don't hesitate to notify me when
there are problems.


Stephan Bosch
stephan at rename-it.nl

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