[dovecot] Re: SSL + default_mail_env

Jesse Peterson jpeterson275 at attbi.com
Mon Dec 16 00:41:01 EET 2002

I like the (without quotes) "(without quotes)" =).

Timo Sirainen wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-12-16 at 10:25, Jesse Peterson wrote:
>>in the config file i have "ssl_disable = yes", however, i get this in my 
>>   LOG_MAIL syslog: "Dec 17 00:21:07 host imap-master: Can't create 
>>temporary SSL parameters file 
>>/default/configured/directory/ssl-parameters.dat.tmp: No such file or 
>>I know what the error is, and how to fix it, but it's an SSL thing which 
>>should have been disable according the config file, correct?
> Right. Fixed.
>>It would seem that if you surround the value given to default_mail_env 
>>in quotes (as listed in the sample config file) you get errors like:
>>Dec 17 00:21:13 host imap(testuser): Failed to create storage with data: 
> They're not supposed to be put into quotes :) I guess I should change
> the comment somehow. Ideas?
> # Some examples: maildir:/var/mail/$U/Maildir, mbox:~/mail/
> or just
> # Some examples (use without quotes): "maildir:/var/mail/$U/Maildir",
> # "mbox:~/mail/"

Jesse Peterson
erage at softhome.net

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