[dovecot] 0.99.4 uploaded to Debian

Jaldhar H. Vyas jaldhar at debian.org
Wed Dec 18 10:47:53 EET 2002


I'm the Debian maintainer of UW-Imap.  Like many I'm somewhat frustrated
with the limitations of it so I am very pleased to see that Dovecot is
becoming a strong alternative.  I have uploaded packages of 0.99.4 to the
Debian unstable distribution (sid).  Because this is a new package it has
to be added by hand so it may be a while before it shows up in sid.  In
the mean time, I have made the packages (also for stable or woody)
available from http://www.braincells.com/open/  Debian users, please take
a look and give me some feedback.

Unfortunately much to my embarrasment I can't currently use dovecot on my
own account.  I get a meesage like this in /var/log/syslog:

  Dec 18 09:01:31 samadhi imap(jaldhar): Error indexing mbox file
  /home/jaldhar/mail/inbox: LF not found where expected

The mbox in question is about 17MB and opens fine in uw-imapd.  Any clues?

Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar at debian.org>
It's a girl! See the pictures - http://www.braincells.com/shailaja/

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