[dovecot] [Fwd: ./configure options..]

Jesse Peterson jpeterson275 at attbi.com
Sun Dec 22 11:56:29 EET 2002

Oops, wrong address..

-------- Original Message --------
Message-ID: <3E0618CB.1060106 at is.a.fakepope.com>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 11:55:55 -0800
From: Jesse Peterson <erage at is.a.fakepope.com>
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To: Dovecot Mail List <dovecot at procontrol.fi>
Subject: ./configure options..
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[CVS from ~ 10:30am PST]

It would seem that --without-passwd produces

gcc -g -O2 -Wall -W -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations
-Wpointer-arith -Wchar-subscripts -Wformat=2 -Wbad-function-cast -o
imap-auth auth.o auth-plain.o auth-digest-md5.o cookie.o
login-connection.o main.o master.o mycrypt.o userinfo.o
userinfo-passwd.o userinfo-shadow.o userinfo-pam.o
userinfo-passwd-file.o userinfo-vpopmail.o  ../lib/liblib.a -lcrypt
userinfo-passwd-file.o: In function `get_reply_data':
dovecot/cvs/dovecot/src/auth/userinfo-passwd-file.c:72: undefined
reference to `passwd_fill_cookie_reply'

grep of the source tree says:

src/auth/userinfo-passwd.c:16:void passwd_fill_cookie_reply(struct
passwd *pw, AuthCookieReplyData *reply)

Also pam, shadow, and passwd-file all seem to call this function in them.


Jesse Peterson
erage at softhome.net

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