[dovecot] Configure SSL problem

Leslie Viljoen Leslie_Viljoen at icoc.org
Thu Mar 13 12:44:52 EET 2003

Hi everyone

I have been trying to get Dovecot installed with OpenSSL support, but no
matter what I do,
when I run Configure, it says "Building with SSL support.........No".
I have even tried configure --with-ssl=openssl, to no avail.

I have built and installed OpenSSL, and libssl.so and libcrypto.so are in
the /lib directory -
what more does Dovecot want? I have tried figuring it out from the
Configure script itself
but it's cryptic and I am no shell script boffin!

Thanks for any tips


Leslie Viljoen
Africa Missions Systems Administrator
Cell: 0836186100 Work: 011 6991700
Fax: 011 7945522

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