speed Re: [Dovecot] New index / mailbox API

DINH Viet Hoa dinh.viet.hoa at free.fr
Mon Nov 24 13:28:00 EET 2003

Farkas Levente wrote :

> so why we not use one realy fast and good database engine to index our
> mail storage?
> the only reason what I can accept in this case, that this is some very
> special type of database and dovecot can use such algorithm which suited
> to this problem better then a general indexing algorithms. is this true?

What I do in libEtPan is to use a DB (Sleepycat/Berkeley) for that. 
It is rather efficient to store the index. I just need to add NFS safety 
by creating a dotlock file when accessing this file, and serialize data 
before before storing them in the database.

DINH V. Hoa,

etPan! - newsreader, mail user agent -- http://libetpan.sf.net/etpan
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