[Dovecot] dovecot with sendmail

Brian T Glenn glenn-dovecot at delink.net
Tue Apr 6 18:26:47 EEST 2004

On Tue, Apr 06, 2004 at 07:51:43AM +0000, electron electron may have written:
> I am trying to make dovecot work with sendmail
> If I use the default conf file (default_mail_env = ) then the inbox is the 
> file /var/mail/user and a mail folder is created in /home/user directory 
> where it stores all additional imap folders.
> The problem with this is that I can?t have subfolders.
> If I edit dovecot.conf file and enter
> default_mail_env = maildir:/var/mail/%1u/%u/Maildir
> then I can create subfolders, but new emails are not stored in INBOX, but 
> the stay in /var/mail/user.

This is because dovecot plays no role in the delivery of email. You will 
need to consult your sendmail configuration on how to make it deliver 
to a Maildir.

> In order to overcome this issue I used procmail

[snip procmail config]
> So now all emails are stored in Maildir format and again with the default 
> dovecot.conf file it works fine.

That is because you made the system deliver to a Maildir, just like 
dovecot was expecting. This configuration is fine unless the server is 
too taxed to spawn an extra program for delivery each time.

> I was wondering if there is an alternative way to do this, without using 
> procmail?..just editing the dovecot.conf file.

You will need to consult sendmail's docs. dovecot is not involved with 
your problem.

Brian T Glenn
delink.net Internet Services
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