[Dovecot] Repeating downloads

Brian T Glenn glenn-dovecot at delink.net
Thu Apr 8 06:09:57 EEST 2004

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On Wed, Apr 07, 2004 at 04:27:01PM -0500, Paul Hanson may have written:
> On Wednesday, April 07, 2004 1:14 PM Brian T Glenn wrote:
> > That sounds about how POP3 works in my experience. How were you 
> > expecting it to behave differently?
> Well the only problem is that if they receive a new message, not only do you
> get the new message but another copy of ALL messages on the server.  A
> scenario that I have not experienced with any other POP3 server/client
> setup. The correct behavior should be to only download the new message.

from doing a search on dovecot and uidl, it seems that dovecot supports 
these functions, which is the standard way for a pop3 server to announce 
unique checksums of messages. Whether or not your client software 
supports this is another matter.

Brian T Glenn
delink.net Internet Services
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