[Dovecot] Dovecot for production environment

James Moser james at powweb.com
Fri Apr 9 00:26:19 EEST 2004

We just started using it on a system with more than 50,000 users and it 
works quite nicely.   Migrating from uw-imap to dovecot caused a few 
problems with some user's mail clients, like Mozilla mail based clients 
issued command that cuased the server to respond with "Invalid mask", 
and Eudora's SASL AUTH doesn't seem to work with the pop server, but 
other than that it seems to work great.

Any word when we are going to see 1.0 =)

Avery Day wrote:

>Sorry if this question has been asked before I looked through some of the
>archives before posting this.
>I am considering using dovecot on a small 35 user environment (only around
>6 gigs of email) that will be primarly be used with squirrelmail for the
>MUA. I have been using dovecot for a few weeks now and really like it. It
>is a big improvement over uw-imap thats for sure. I was wondering how many
>people in this mailing list are using dovecot for a production email
>server, and why you chose to use dovecot over cyrus or courier. Or maybe
>someone feels that dovecot isnt ready for this type of thing just yet. I
>am all ears so please feel free.

James L Moser                 james at powweb.com
PowWeb Hosting                http://www.powweb.com

/(bb|[^b]{2})/,  that is the Question.

mysql>SELECT * FROM user WHERE clue > 0;
Empty set (0.03 sec) 

Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die... 
Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing...

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