[Dovecot] Dovecot for production environment

Mark E. Mallett mem at mv.mv.com
Sat Apr 10 02:16:04 EEST 2004

> mail01# tail -f /var/log/maillog |grep Login
> Apr  8 22:07:57 mail01 pop3-login: Login: tinamc []
> Apr  8 22:07:57 mail01 pop3-login: Login: rsqm []


> This mail server hosted just over 12,000 virtual domains.... handles 
> thoasands of messages per hour.  postfix is running on the same 
> system.   Its running beautifully too...  I've converted over three more 
> systems with almost identical environments... 

Ours isn't quite that busy, but yesterday's log:

   25# gzcat maillog.0 | grep Login | wc
       174342 1569078 13933340

That would be about 7200/hour averaged over the 24 hour day.

That's on a server using Maildir.  We have another using mbox, with
the same dovecot codebase.  It's not as active, but still, I haven't
seen any corrupted mbox problems.


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