[Dovecot] Missing mail file - Internal Error

James Moser james at powweb.com
Sat Apr 10 02:46:42 EEST 2004

I have noticed that if the user does not already have a mail file, for 
instance in /var/mail, the IMAP server responds with Internal Error, and 
the pop server imediately terminates the connection.  Is this something 
I have configuered wrong?  Are there any work arounds for this... 
/var/mail is owned by root:mail with permissions 0775...

James L Moser                 james at powweb.com
PowWeb Hosting                http://www.powweb.com

/(bb|[^b]{2})/,  that is the Question.

mysql>SELECT * FROM user WHERE clue > 0;
Empty set (0.03 sec) 

Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die... 
Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing...

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