[Dovecot] I added a "SQ and Dovecot FAQ" on the SQ website

Avery Day schrock at dayzed.com
Tue Apr 13 05:54:46 EEST 2004

<quote who="Zoong Pham">
> Is that dovecot in your FAQ serving mbox or mdir format?
> Thanks,
> Zoong
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Avery Day [mailto:schrock at dayzed.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, 13 April 2004 12:07 PM
> To: dovecot at dovecot.org
> Subject: [Dovecot] I added a "SQ and Dovecot FAQ" on the SQ website
> On the Squirrelmail website I setup in the FAQ a quick install guid on how
> to get squirrelmail to work with Dovecot. Maybe someone can verify my
> setup procedure really quick. Maybe someone thinks this is wrong. Also if
> you have something to add please do so. No one has bothered to do this
> before so I took it upon my self.
> Here is the link in the FAQ its about 8 lines down
> http://www.squirrelmail.org/wiki/en_US/InstallingSquirrelMail
> Here is where the link takes you
> http://www.squirrelmail.org/wiki/en_US/SquirrelMailAndDovecotIMAP
> Thanks
> --
> Avery
Ooops it is for Maildir, I will fix this.

Avery Day

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