[Dovecot] Feature request: more log info/stats

Christian Balzer chibi at gol.com
Fri Apr 16 11:32:48 EEST 2004


even though Timo seems to be hibernating (it's not _that_ cold in ole
Suomi ;) I'd like to beg for a feature that would be very much 
appreciated over here. If  something like this is already present and
eluded my thorough archive and doc searches, feel free to smack me and
then point me to the right direction.

Feature request: 
More extensive session information and statistics in the logs.
Currently all I can get from dovecot is login information, there's not
even a log entry when a session was ended either by the client or a
timeout. In addition a short summary would be be very helpful, qpoppers 
one liner stats come to mind like this:
Apr 12 05:30:30 test in.qpopper[21266]: Stats: test 6 21868 2 108126 
some.do.main IP.AD.DR.ES [pop_updt.c:296]
Stating that user test downloaded/deleted 6 mails with 21868 bytes total
and kept 2 in the inbox. 
This might be expanded on for IMAP operations like moves or such and raw
data about transferred bytes in/out added (in my case I get that info 
from perdition), but the really important parts are:

When did a user log into the server, when did that session end? 
How many new mails were read and how many mails deleted during that session?

The rationale is that with this info at hand the (unfortunately) very
common user whining along the lines of "the mail server ate my mails" or
"I never saw this mail!" are much easier to refute.

Regards and keep up the good work,

Christian Balzer
Christian Balzer        Network/Systems Engineer                NOC
chibi at gol.com   	Global OnLine Japan/Fusion Network Services

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