[Dovecot] [OT] Is there a secure reverse IMAP proxy

Timo Sirainen tss at iki.fi
Mon Apr 26 00:45:38 EEST 2004

On Sun, 2004-04-18 at 09:27, Wouter Van Hemel wrote:
> I know about Perdition:
> http://www.vergenet.net/linux/perdition/
> ... but I don't know how secure it is.

Well, from my sent-mail (this was fixed later):

Timo Sirainen
<tss at iki.fi>
horms at vergenet.net
buffer overflow in
23 Oct 2002
00:48:42 +0300

token_read() doesn't seem to do any bounds checking, I could overflow
buffer[] by 3k or something with "USER xxxx..etc.." with pop3. Don't
know if it's exploitable.

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