[Dovecot] Feature request: more log info/stats

Christian Balzer chibi at gol.com
Tue Apr 27 09:13:01 EEST 2004

[He lives!]

Timo wrote:
>On Fri, 2004-04-16 at 11:32, Christian Balzer wrote:
>> Feature request:=20
>> More extensive session information and statistics in the logs.
>I've thought about doing this with a plugin, so everyone can decide what
>exactly they want to log. The plugin API should probably be changed in
>some way to support this more easily..
I'm sure I can mobilize some local talent to work on a plugin once the
API is in what you would deem a stable state.


Christian Balzer
Christian Balzer        Network/Systems Engineer                NOC
chibi at gol.com   	Global OnLine Japan/Fusion Network Services

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