[Dovecot] Timezone of logentries from dovecot

Lars Skovgaard lars at misterp.dk
Thu Apr 29 15:44:35 EEST 2004


I've been using dovecot for a long time now, and have nothing but 
praise for it. It's considerably faster than uw-imap, and has been very 
easy to configure, in spite of my limited knowledge of unix.

One thing still botheres me, though, and that's the time of the entries 
in my logfiles. It seems that dovecot logs it's entries in GMT, while 
I'm using GMT+1. This is made even worse by the fact that we're now 
using daylight savings time, which upps the difference to two hours. 
Here's a couple of lines from my logs to show the difference:

Apr 29 14:30:07 misterp mach_kernel: ipfw: 10000 Deny UDP in via en0
Apr 29 14:30:59 misterp mach_kernel: ipfw: 4000 Accept TCP in via en0
Apr 29 12:30:59 misterp pop3-login: Login: torben []
Apr 29 14:32:25 misterp mach_kernel: ipfw: 10000 Deny UDP in via en0

I don't know how to fix this, whether it's in dovecot or somewhere in a 
system-setting. However, all other applications log their entries with 
the systems current setting, so I suspect it's in dovecot. I would very 
much appreciate any help on the subject.

Btw, I'm using MacOS X 10.2 with dovecot



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