[Dovecot] imap errors filtering folders with evolution

Brent Hills bhills at openshores.com
Sat Apr 3 08:38:27 EEST 2004


I posted earlier to the Ximian Evolution Users list.  It was suggested I
follow up in relation to dovecot.  They also indicated the timestamp in
the error message was coming from dovecot. 

When filtering a folder on a dovecot (0.99.10) imap server with
Evolution version 1.46 I receive:

Error while 'Filtering Folder'
Imap command failed internal error [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS]

The timestamp seems to be the current time.  The filters used are
primarily move to folder where the destination folder is another imap
folder on the same server.

The error can be reproduced reliably if I select a large number of email
to filter.  There are about 10 filters all moving to different folders
based on criteria.  If I select smaller number of email the error occurs
but less predictably.  Eventually, it will filter all the email so its
not a
particular one that it hangs up on.

Is anyone familiar with this issue?

Brent Hills. 

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