[Dovecot] SHA1

Marco Herrn marco at mherrn.de
Thu Dec 9 22:58:54 EET 2004

On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 01:27:53AM +0200, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> On 9.12.2004, at 01:12, Marco Herrn wrote:
> >So the problem seems to be that dovecot is assuming base64 while mine
> >are in hex. Is there a way to force dovecot to using hex encoded
> >passwords?
> Not without changing source code.

Well, I don't know C++, so I won't even try that. :-)

> But this problem is getting annoying. I think I'm going to change it so 
> that you can append :hex or :base64 to any scheme with the default 
> being the same as it was before.

Do you have any plan, when this feature will be available then?
I now have the problem that I am using exim as MTA that expects SHA1
hash hex encoded and so it wouldn't help in my case to change the
password scheme. And I do not really want to include both types of
passwords in my database....


It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to
open it and remove all doubt.
Marco Herrn              _  ___      o             '       (_)<   _ _
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(GnuPG/PGP-encrypted mail preferred)       _;\ _.\ _.';;) ;,;_/;
Key ID: 0x94620736                  _  _'./_\('))_; );/\)}/`fsc

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