[Dovecot] deploying dspam

Kenneth Porter shiva at sewingwitch.com
Thu Dec 16 16:17:04 EET 2004

--On Thursday, December 16, 2004 6:13 AM -0500 Tom Allison 
<tallison at tacocat.net> wrote:

> Here's how I use training with dovecot.  It's hardly related to dovecot,
> but we've strayed this far, I thought I would attempt something that
> might become related again.

For comparison, I'm using SpamAssassin. I have lots of mbox folders, but 
for spam training I have two folders named Uncaught and FalsePositives. Any 
spam that SA doesn't flag gets dragged to Uncaught. Anything in the Spam 
folder (put there by a procmail filter because it has SA markup) that's not 
spam gets dragged to FalsePositives. I have a nightly cron job that runs 
sa-learn on the two folders. sa-learn knows which messages it's seen before 
so I don't have to do anything special to flag the new stuff.

In my crontab:

12 0 * * * /home/ken/bin/sa-learn-nightly

The script:

sa-learn --spam --mbox ~/mail/Spam/Uncaught
sa-learn --ham --mbox ~/mail/Spam/FalsePositives

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