[Dovecot] 1.0-test58

Juergen Daubert jue at jue.li
Fri Dec 17 10:34:03 EET 2004

Bug with test-58/mbox, MUA mutt:

While moving one mail to another folder I got

Dec 17 09:23:13 ser dovecot: IMAP(juergen): mbox_move(184056, 188417,
2012) moved only 0 bytes in mbox file /var/mail/juergen

The mail disappears in the current folder, but I found it partially 
appended to the last message in that folder. 
Test-57 works for me without any problem.


Juergen Daubert  |  mailto:jue at jue.li  
Korb, Germany    |  http://jue.li/crux

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