[Dovecot] Deleting a message through IMAP

Doug Eubanks doug at simflex.com
Fri Dec 24 17:19:18 EET 2004

I have been having a problem with the test releases...I am now using Test 59.  When
I delete a message using SquirrelMail (IMAP) the message stays in the message
list....but you can't open it anymore because it can't be found, if I logout and log
back in...the message is gone from the list.  I thought it could be a problem with
the cache, so I added

mail_never_cache_fields =  MessagePart Envelope Body

only to recieve 

Dec 24 09:23:34 news dovecot: IMAP(admin): mail_never_cache_fields: Invalid cache
field name 'Body', ignoring

Any ideas?  This problem has plagued me for a while and I always go back to using
the and older test like 22 and the problem isn't there...


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