[Dovecot] PLAIN-MD5 passwords?

Adam Pordzik adresseverbummelt at gmx.de
Fri Dec 31 20:59:53 EET 2004

Peter Clark schrieb:
>     After I found out that {CRYPT} doesn't support passwords longer than 8 
> characters, I decided to switch over to MD5 for user passwords in my LDAP 
> database. However, while I have no problem with Postfix + SASL, Dovecot fails 
> to authenticate.

I think you just found out, that 3DES (?) only supports password with
not more that 8 characters.


password-hash {CRYPT}
password-crypt-salt-format $1$%.8s

in your slapd.conf for MD5 hashes. After restarting slapd all new 
created and modified password will math that pattern.

Does anyone has the salt format for Blowfish ready to hand?



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