[Dovecot] too large imap.index.data files

Sven Kirmess dovecot at kzone.ch
Mon Feb 23 01:13:48 EET 2004

> I have noticed that imap.index.data are often too large files (several MiBs).
> Is there a way to limit their size or to shrink dimension or to assign 
> another directory where those file are stored?

# Default MAIL environment to use when it's not set. By leaving this empty
# dovecot tries to do some automatic detection as described in
# doc/mail-storages.txt. There's a few special variables you can use:
#   %u - username
#   %n - user part in user at domain, same as %u if there's no domain
#   %d - domain part in user at domain, empty if user there's no domain
#   %h - home directory
# You can also limit a width of string by giving the number of max. characters
# after the '%' character. For example %1u gives the first character of
# username. Some examples:
#   maildir:/var/mail/%1u/%u/Maildir
#   mbox:~/mail/:INBOX=/var/mail/%u
#   mbox:/var/mail/%d/%n/:INDEX=/var/indexes/%d/%n


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