[Dovecot] Nested folders

Michael Irons michael at electricmonk.us
Sun Apr 3 19:59:43 EEST 2005

> Having just gone through this, I think I know your answer. There are
> various flavors of Maildir, the one that dovecot uses has . (period) as the
> separator between levels. I had to tell my MUA to use "." rather than "/"
> as the separator and everything worked on that end. Also, when adding
> things by hand, all the folders live directly under ~/Maildir (or where
> ever you set it) and each level of hierarchy is preceded with a "." So if
> you want to have a tree with test/junk, test/junk/more, test/misc, you
> would see .test.junk, .test.junk.more and .test.misc in the Maildir
> directory, each containing cur, new and tmp directories. Note that if you
> don't store mail in test/junk, the directory .test.junk would not exist.
> For Gregory, you needed to change the hierarchy separator for the IMAP
> account in Mulberry to get it to work.
> hope this helps.
> jerry
> Jerry Scharf
> laguna way consulting

Thank you. I knew about prefixing with a dot, but I still had my slashes.
Here was my procmail filter before:


But when I put it to this:


It works. I knew it was something simple. I also now understand something I 
saw on a mailing list about dovecot not actually creating folders in a 
traditional hierchy sense, but rather all in the top level.  Thanks again.


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