[Dovecot] Delimiter of mailbox changes in response to STATUS command...

Lawrence Katz lists at larryka.tzo.com
Wed Apr 6 22:41:51 EEST 2005

Hi -

I've been using Hastymail with my Dovecot server for awhile now.  
However, I have noticed that at some point Hastymail stopped showing the 
number of unseen messages in its folder drop down list, it just shows 0 
for the folders that I have it checking for unseen messages.  I'm not 
sure when it broke, but I think it's when I went to one of the testing 
builds several months ago.  I just upgraded to Hastymail 1.3 and Dovecot 
testing66 today just to see if the issue would go away and it hasn't.  
So I did some digging and I think I found the cause of the issue... If I 
send a STATUS command, like the one shown below, Dovecot changes the 
mailbox delimiter in the result from a "/" to a "."...

2 STATUS "Misc/Spam" (UNSEEN)
* STATUS "Misc.Spam" (UNSEEN 3)
2 OK Status completed.

I was able to work around this in Hastymail by substituting a "/" for a 
"." when the result comes back, but it's not that elegant.  Any thoughts 
on why this might be happening in Dovecot? Is it a configuration issue 
on my part, or a bug?  The private namespace in my dovecot.conf has the 

separator = /


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