[Dovecot] test80: assert/core debug info

Andrew Hutchings info at a-wing.co.uk
Tue Aug 16 19:56:12 EEST 2005

On Tue, 2005-08-16 at 11:14 -0400, Jeff A. Earickson wrote:

> My setup: Solaris 9, mbox format.  test-80 compiled with 
> gcc 4.0.1 using the following configure options:

> Note that system mailboxes are NFS mounted from the mail server
> to the IMAP server, which may cause you to groan.

> Jeff Earickson
> Colby College

I could be wrong here, but as far as I am aware mbox is not NFS safe,
that could be your problem.

Andrew Hutchings (A-Wing) - Linux Guru
Netserve Consultants - http://www.domaincity.co.uk/
Linux CDs and DVDs - http://www.linuxiso.co.uk/
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