[Dovecot] Migrating from mbox to maildir: Message ordering?

Ian R. Justman ianj at ian-justman.com
Sun Feb 6 21:01:12 EET 2005

I wrote:
> Hi, all.
> I have been playing with the notion of migrating some of my folders to 
> maildir because it's a lot easier to manage that way from a reader 
> standpoint.  The big question I have is how do I maintain message 
> ordering in each folder?


Thanks to all who sent your suggestions.  I found a solution that worked
exactly for what I wanted and one that might come in handy in the future.

I just need to muck about a bit more with the code to make sure that any
decision to migrate to a hybrid mbox/maildir setup with a test series
release isn't one in vain.  :)


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