[Dovecot] newbie questions

Chris Green chris at areti.co.uk
Fri Jul 8 17:23:28 EEST 2005

On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 10:32:21AM -0400, Stewart Dean wrote:
> 5) Some mention was made of procmail configuration issues
> Q5: Can procmail support both formats/locations, or will I have to put 
> changes in the migrated users' procmailrc (what fun!)?
Well I think I can answer this bit.  Current versions of procmail do
support maildir as well as mbox but which format is written is
specified in the .procmailrc file (or whatever you use for procmail's
recipes).  If the destination has a / on the end then procmail will
write maildir, if there is no trailing / then it will write mbox.

Chris Green (chris at areti.co.uk)

    "Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by incompetence."

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