[Dovecot] Permission denied: failed to chdir to /home/paul

Paul Ororke paulororke at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 14:21:20 EEST 2005


I've been trying to set up Exin and Dovecot and think I've almost gotten
there. However I'm not recieving mail to my inbox and I get messages like
the following in /var/log/exim/main.log:

2005-09-28 04:14:47 1EKZtf-0003gQ-26 <= users-return-105525-paul=
paulororke.net at openoffice.org H=s002.sfo.collab.net<http://s002.sfo.collab.net>(
openoffice.org <http://openoffice.org>) [<>]
P=smtp S=3120 id=200509280613.08050.dlewis at delewis.com
2005-09-28 04:14:47 1EKZtf-0003gQ-26 == paul at paulororke.net R=localuser
T=local_delivery defer (13): Permission denied: failed to chdir to

How do I make it so that this doesn't happen?
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