[Dovecot] no protocols inhibits dovecot --exec-mail

Marcus Rueckert rueckert at informatik.uni-rostock.de
Sat Feb 11 16:30:31 EET 2006

On 2006-02-11 14:44:25 +0100, Johannes Berg wrote:
> > just create a proper configuration file but do not start the master
> > process. than it wouldnt be listening anywhere.
> sure.
> >  i dont think the
> > maintainer of the package has to do anything there. just disable the
> > init script (rcconf e.g. you will know the debian way)
> yeah but the maintainer must have followed some plan when making the
> package not start the master process when protocols is unset...

err... you just reported that you _have_to_ set the protocols. so i dont
get your point. if the service is disabled ... why should the debian
init script care about the config at all? if you dont want any listening
just dont start it. or do i miss anything here?

i just double checked it. with a valid config you dont need a running
dovecot for using "/usr/sbin/dovecot --exec-mail imap". so why make it
more complicated than needed?

hope this helps


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