[Dovecot] OE pop3 > imap subfolder migration?

Sysadmin sysadmin at e-positive.ee
Mon Jun 26 13:50:01 EEST 2006

> Sysadmin wrote:
>> Hello.
>> This isn't actually a dovecot question, but I'm running in clienys
>> servers dovecot mostly as pop3 server and now started to migrate some
>> servers to imap.
>> But as clients uses Outlook Express how to transfer their pop3 settings
>> and mailboxes to imap?. Making a new mail account for imap is easy, and
>> drag & drop the default folders (inbox, outbox etc) messages to imap
>> accounts default folders is easy, but what about subfolders? Some users
>> have hundreds subfolders and creating them & transfering messages by
>> hand is a pain.
>> So have anyone a better and faster solution how to migrate Outlook
>> Express pop3 account to the imap account, preserving the same folders,
>> rules etc.
> I found with OE I could drag whole trees of folders from one location
> to another without issue.  This actually made it the most useful tool
> we had to unlock our users from using OE - previously all employee
> mail was stored on a shared drive, but in whatever format their mail
> client used.
> Some of our users have many complex hierarchies of folders, but with
> OE I just created another account, dragged their folders over, and hey
> presto - it was done (after a while :)

Hmm, just tried, XP, Outlook Express, pop3 account, folders are:

Loval Folders
Inbox - Test1
Sent Items
Deleted Items

Then I made for the same user also in same Outlook Express imap account.
And all I can is drag & drop messages for example from pop3 inbox to the
imap inbox. But I can't drag & drop any folder from pop3 to imap
account. What kind of trick did You use, to do this?

> Don't know about the settings though - I assume you mean filters and
> sorting?



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