[Dovecot] Dovecot behaviour when the server's file system fails (possible feature request)

Timo Neuvonen timo-news at tee-en.net
Sun Sep 3 13:25:28 EEST 2006

I've met a couple of times a situation, that there is something
wrong with the mail server's operating system / file system,
but Dovecot is still working, although it cannot any more
access the mailbox files. The result is, that the imap mail
client in the workstation automatically synchronises with
the improperly empty-looking mailbox, effectively deleting
everything previously loaded into the workstation's mail
client (eg. Outlook Express) when using imap protocol.

This is very annoying, especially when the workstation isn't
connected with a high-speed-enough connection, since after
the server is properly brought up again, reloading all the
contents of the improperly emptied mail client may take
considerable amount of time. This is especially the case, if the
workstation has kind of mobile connection (eg. gprs) with
very limited bandwith -in that case the sychronizing of eg.
20MB account may take at least from half an hour to more
than one hour, and in some cases (eg. gprs roaming) also
cost considerable amount of money (gprs data transfer may
cost from eg. 5 to over 10 euros or dollars per megabyte,
when roaming outside the phone operator's own network).

So, is there currently a way to configure Dovecot in a way
it would recognize that the mailbox actually is not accessible,
and in that case it would return an error message to the mail
client instead of returning "empty mailbox"? Of course, a
smart enough mail client might also ask something from the
user, but that seems not be the case either...

If this behavious cannot be changed with the current
configuration options, then a kind feature request to the
Would it be possible to change the behaviour of Dovecot
when it actually can not access the mailbox files?

Although the actual problem in this case is outside Dovecot,
this kind of improvement would greatly improve the error
tolerance of the whole system.


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