[Dovecot] Version numbering

Eric Rostetter rostetter at mail.utexas.edu
Wed Mar 28 21:39:55 EEST 2007

Quoting Justin McAleer <justin at fehuq.com>:

> A lot of the posts in this thread seem to be debating between version
> numbering and storage layout, which are not mutually exclusive

Yes, but this only addresses the problem at the source, not at the
redistribution point (mirrors, rpm repositories, distributions, etc)

> If people still manage to get confused about which version to run after
> all that, well, should you be responsible for configuring the software
> for them too? You have to stop lowering the common denominator at some
> point.

People running Fedora Core run 0.99, and they do not know it isn't production
(since it comes with FC, which they don't know isn't production).  People
running RHEL 5 apparently get a release candidate, but they may think it
is production since RHEL 5 is _supposed_ to be production.  So they ask
here, and get flamed for running a non-production version.  It isn't their

I go to atrpms or dag wieers or elsewhere, and it might list both devel
and production ones, but it doesn't say that, it just lists version
numbers.  How am I to know, unless I'm smart enough to go to the original
web site and check?  I might just assume the highest number one is the
one I should run, not knowing it is a devel version.

New users (Fedora Core type users) will get confused.  What you do on
the main site is important, but it is not the whole story from the end-user's
point of view.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Go Longhorns!

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