[Dovecot] Datehandling bug?

Ed W lists at wildgooses.com
Wed Sep 12 11:00:09 EEST 2007

On closer inspection it appears not to be server related, but 
Thunderbird related (as you might expect).

Two machines, one having only used Dovecot, and the other only having 
used Courier *do* indeed show different inbox ordering.

BUT, if I reset the folder and redownload the courier folder then the 
ordering changes again (and shows this date inconsistency).  So it seems 
that Thunderbird does different things with the same data depending on 
when/how it was received. Quite possibly it's simply putting in a todays 
date (when missing) depending on when the headers are first downloaded...?

Sorry for the noise - however, hopefully someone else might see this in 
the archives if facing a similar question

Ed W

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