[Dovecot] Performance on BSD

bugtraq bugtraq at md5.com.ar
Tue Sep 25 20:36:54 EEST 2007

Hi list, I want to test performance of dovecot-1.0.5 on OpenBSD and
FreeBSD. I want to implement a small pop3s/imaps server with ~3000 users.
I had tested dovecot-1.0.5 with vpopmail+mysql but I don't know if the
performance is ok.
Anybody have test with imaptest?

OpenBSD 4.1 amd64 SMP

./imaptest seed=1 secs=60
Logi List Stat Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Logo
100%  50%  50% 100% 100% 100%  50% 100% 100% 100% 100%
                          30%                  5%
1322  672  675 1322 1320 1893  673  433 1316  574 2630

FreeBSD 6.2 amd64 SMP

./imaptest seed=1 secs=60
Logi List Stat Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Logo
100%  50%  50% 100% 100% 100%  50% 100% 100% 100% 100%
                          30%                  5%
2250 1119 1127 2249 2248 3267 1113  688 2247  857 4494

Thanks in advance,.

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