[Dovecot] v1.2.alpha1 released

Robert Schetterer robert at schetterer.org
Sat Sep 6 10:42:56 EEST 2008

Timo Sirainen schrieb:
> http://dovecot.org/releases/1.2/alpha/dovecot-1.2.alpha1.tar.gz
> http://dovecot.org/releases/1.2/alpha/dovecot-1.2.alpha1.tar.gz.sig
> This is the only v1.2.alpha announcement I'm going to send to
> dovecot-news list. Next announcement will be for either v1.2.beta1 or
> v1.2.rc1.
> I'm hoping that v1.2 stabilizes pretty soon. There are no huge changes
> like there were in 0.99->1.0 or 1.0->1.1, so most of the bugs are
> probably related to new features. I'm already running v1.2 myself and
> it's gone through heavy stress testing with my imaptest tool, so I'm
> expecting it to be stable enough for real world testing with
> not-all-that-important servers. It's safe to jump between v1.1 and v1.2
> at any time or even have them concurrently accessing the same mailboxes.
> Dovecot v1.2 has a lot of new IMAP extensions implemented. The biggest
> change comes from CONDSTORE extension which adds a new concept of
> "modification sequences" (modseq for short). Each message has a modseq
> that increases whenever a flag is changed or when the message is
> expunged. The client can keep track of the highest seen modseq and
> request only changes done since the modseq. See QRESYNC (RFC 5162) for
> more information. Dovecot starts keeping track of the modseqs only when
> the first "CONDSTORE/QRESYNC enabling command" is executed. Before that
> no disk space is used for modseqs. When modseqs are enabled
> dovecot.index file uses 8 bytes per message more space.
> Other implemented IMAP extensions are: ESEARCH, SEARCHRES, WITHIN, ID
> Added thread indexes to optimize IMAP THREAD command. Only the first
> half of threading is currently optimized, the rest will hopefully follow
> later.
> Added a non-standard X-REFERENCES2 threading algorithm where threads are
> sorted by their latest message instead of the thread root message. There
> is also no base subject merging. This may be renamed and become part of
> SEARCH=INTHREAD extension some day.
> SEARCH=INTHREAD is still a draft, but the INTHREAD search key is already
> implemented by Dovecot v1.2. This is mostly useful with virtual
> mailboxes.
> Virtual mailboxes: http://wiki.dovecot.org/Plugins/Virtual
> Then there are also some internal API changes which will make some
> things easier. For example lib-storage now allows handling multiple
> different users at the same time.

Hi Timo, what about imap acl full implemented ( not plugin )
is there a chance to have it in v1.2 ?

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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