[Dovecot] Missing mail_max_userip_connections setting

Thomas M Goerger tmg at umn.edu
Fri Apr 3 22:34:03 EEST 2009


I'm having a problem with a webmail client trying to open multiple IMAP
connections with dovecot, and hitting a cap.  I see from the error logs
from this program that it's hitting the mail_max_userip_connections cap,
but I'm not seeing this value as defined in the dovecot.conf file.  Would
this automatically get set to a certain value by default if it's not


* Tom Goerger  -  Email/Unix System Administrator 			*
*									*
* University of Minnesota		       Email:  tmg at umn.edu	*
* Operations, Infrastructure and Architecture  Phone:  4-5804		*
* Internet Services			       Office: 626J WBOB	*
* 									*

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