[Dovecot] Mail.app + dovecot 1.2 + POP3

Rodolfo Gonzalez Gonzalez rgonzalez at gnt.cc
Thu Dec 10 00:10:54 EET 2009

Hello all,

I have an user with MacOS X 10.5 Mail.app 3.5, which is connecting using 
POP3 to a dovecot 1.2 server. He has a 512 kbps link, which he saturates 
downloading large files. While the bandwidth is saturated, Mail.app 
shows the POP3 account as "offline" (I haven't used that client, but it 
seems that it doesn't retry the connection if it fails at some moment).

He argues that he has some other POP3 and IMAP4 accounts configured in 
the same app, and those accounts never go "offline" even if the bw usage 
is at 100% (those other accounts are not on my servers and I don't know 
which sw are they using). My question is, could dovecot be somehow 
involved in this "offline" issue? (something like the past IDLE issues 
with Outlook 2007?)

Thanks in advanced.

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