[Dovecot] Sieve mails with decoded subject

Johannes Bauer dfnsonfsduifb at gmx.de
Thu Dec 10 21:28:27 EET 2009

Eduardo M KALINOWSKI schrieb:
> On Qui, 10 Dez 2009, Johannes Bauer wrote:
>> I'm thinking about filtering all such encoded subjects (as there's no
>> reason to encode them US-ASCII), but suppose it were UTF-8 or something:
>> how can I filter on the actual content, not the encoded subject? Surely
>> someone has solved that problem already?
> Yes, such as the guys behind SpamAssassin, or dspam, or any of the many
> spam filtering programs that exist. Actually, they make much more
> complicated decisions instead of only looking for bad words in the
> subject field. I'd suggest you try installing one of them.

I had SpamAssassin running once and was pretty disappointed. All those
complicated rules and scoring and "smart" bayesian filtering did not
work very well, although I taught it in around 50k mails right from
wrong. I had both lots of false-positives and lots of false-negatives,
which was kind of annoying.

However, analyzing 274 spam mails I deleted in the last 5 months I can
conclude that by using that extremely simple filter list I'd catch 258
of them (that's 94%). So I'd like to stick to KISS in this case.

Kind regards,

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