[Dovecot] A Dovecot Sieve spam filter question.

aja-lists at tni.org aja-lists at tni.org
Wed Dec 30 22:41:06 EET 2009

On 12/30/2009 08:30 PM, Andrzej Adam Filip wrote:
> aja-lists at tni.org wrote:
>> I'd like to make a filtering threshold for users to let them
>> deal with spamassassin spam-level starred<  8 themselves,
>> but spam-level starred higher than 8 should be discarded
--- cut ---
> Try the following:
> if header :contains "X-Spam-Level" "*****" {

I've just tested that with the gtube spam test,
( which gives this amount of stars :
X-Spam-Level: ************************************************** )

and the email ends up in the inbox.

And i've tried this also :

Which fails with : Error: sieve: main_script: line 18: cannot nest tests 
deeper than 32 level

And I read about the spam-test option, but Dovecot Sieve does not 
support that yet (http://pigeonhole.dovecot.org).


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