[Dovecot] Postfix and Dovecot

mouss mouss at ml.netoyen.net
Sat Jan 24 22:50:57 EET 2009

Leonardo Coelho a écrit :
> Hi Everybody,
> I'm mount two failover servers which use Postfix and Dovecot but the
> hostname of the machines r diferent:
> first node
> # uname -n
> # mail
> secound node
> #uname -n
> #mail2
> So far so good, the real problem is that the e-mail file name on server is
> like this:
> 1232449377.P31789Q0M963611.mail2
> and when I using the server called mail the file stay like this:
> 1232449377.P31789Q0M963611.mail
> I'm using drbd disk for the mailboxes and when I'm using the server called
> mail the files with mail2 on the end is not read for the dovecot when the
> user turn on the mail client but if I change the end from mail2 to mail
> that's ok the dovecot can read.
> How can I make dovecot read both files or any name on the end?

As Timo said, the file names do not matter. I have files from an old
server that was running courier and they are read without problems.

what makes you believe that dovecot does not "read" the files? and more
precisely, what do you mean by "read" exactly?

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