[Dovecot] Newbie: unable to access mailbox more than once

Mr Matthew Petoe m.petoe at uqconnect.edu.au
Wed Jul 22 16:42:30 EEST 2009

I can fix the problem by deleting the index files for each non-compliant mailbox. eg: /.indexes/.Sent/dovecot.index

Dovecot then recreates the index files. The ownership and permissions of the new & deleted indexes are the same.

However, these index files soon get corrupted. I think it might be imapsync corrupting them because I can access the mail using Thunderbird, and run imapsync successfully *once* (again), but after that the index files appear to be corrupt because the mailbox stops allowing access until I delete the index files again.

Anyone have any experience with index files becoming corrupted or inaccessible? Maybe I should try moving them off the network drive....

matt p

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