[Dovecot] Staged migration from mbox to maildir
Sebastian Kayser
sebastian at skayser.de
Thu Mar 19 02:57:33 EET 2009
* Stewart Dean <sdean at bard.edu> wrote:
> So much changes in this migration that the ideal way to do it would be
> to begin with a few users or a department, then migrate the users
> affinity group by affinity group: first an institute or so, then the
> faculty, then the staff, then the students, moving to bigger and bigger
> groupings as the bugs work out of the migration and the move becomes
> more assured.
> We use sendmail and procmail. There's no problem there, as the
> ~./procmailrc can be changed to over-ride the mbox default until all
> groups are done and it become the default.
> The problem comes with IMAP. While dovecot can tell if a folder is mbox
> or maildir, it has to be pointed to the right place (by namespace
> definitions in the client, IIRC), and the default of putting the inbox
> under ~/mail is one I'd like to embrace for various reason...but given
> that that means moved inbox folders and *that* means either making a
> global change (there goes staged migration) OR changing the namespace
> definitions on each PC. I can get to the early few and change the
> namespaces definition, but there doesn't appear to any equivalent
> (enlighten me, if I'm missing something) to ~/.procmailrc for imap, so
> that I don't have to get on the client machine.
I don't know whether i fully understand what you are trying to achieve,
but dovecot can work with a per user mail_location (passed via userdb)
[1] that might help in your situation. Furthermore you can get _very_
flexible in determining the mail location (or even doing a lot of other
things) by using a wrapper script to mail_executable [2].
[1] http://wiki.dovecot.org/MailLocation
[2] http://wiki.dovecot.org/PostLoginScripting
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