[Dovecot] Rotating the dovecot log file

Jerry gesbbb at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 24 01:50:27 EEST 2009

Using FreeBSD-7.2, I am attempting to configure the system newsyslog
utility to rotate the dovecot.log file. I would prefer to use the
system utility rather than the one described on the dovecot wiki for
rotating the file. Unfortunately, it is not working. This is the error
message that is spawned:

newsyslog: illegal signal number in config file:
/var/log/dovecot.log  root:wheel   0666  1  *   $M1D0  CJ  /var/run/dovecot/master.pid USR1

Does anyone have an idea how to get this to work?


gesbbb at yahoo.com


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All conversations with a potato should be conducted in private.

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