[Dovecot] handling filename of compressed messages

Leonardo Rodrigues leolistas at solutti.com.br
Thu Jan 14 11:58:23 EET 2010

Pascal Volk escreveu:
> No, you don't wont to have such file names.
> http://wiki.dovecot.org/Plugins/Zlib: … Dovecot can now read the file,
> but to avoid compressing it again … include e.g. a "Z" flag in the file
> name … (e.g. 1223212411.M907959P17184.host,S=3271:2,SZ)
> The article links also to: http://cr.yp.to/proto/maildir.html:
>> What can I put in info?
> When you move a file from new to cur, you have to change its name from
> uniq to uniq:info … info starting with "2,": Each character after the
> comma is an independent flag. …
> In short: You want to rename
> 1263436052.V6814I43300b4M146002.correio.domain.com.br,S=238207
> to 1263436052.V6814I43300b4M146002.correio.domain.com.br,S=238207:2,Z

    got it .... so, basically, i shouldnt be using .gz at all, is that ok ?

    i understood that, when moving from new to cur, filename should be 
appended of ':2,'. But filenames on new, as i understood, should never 
be changed. As soon as they are read there (on new), they should be 
moved to cur.

    what would be the correct way of compressing messages on the new 
directory and adding the Z flag ? Would be any problem if, when 
compressing on new, add the ':2,' suffix ? Indeed it would be ':2,Z' 
suffix one

    i tried it ...

gzipped the file 
and got the gzipped file to be named
and excluded the original file

when checked mail, file was correctly moved to cur
when replied to that mail, file was correctly renamed to

    is that OK to have filenames on new with the ':2,Z' suffix ?


	Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
	Leonardo Rodrigues
	Solutti Tecnologia

	Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
	gertrudes at solutti.com.br
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