[Dovecot] Released Pigeonhole Sieve v0.1.15 and ManageSieve v0.11.11 for Dovecot v1.2.10

Stephan Bosch stephan at rename-it.nl
Mon Jan 25 13:03:09 EET 2010

Hello Dovecot users,

It's been a while since the last Pigeonhole Sieve and ManageSieve 
releases. That is why this release includes quite a few changes. Most 
interestingly, the include extension is updated to match the most recent 
specification, the Sieve interpreter now includes plugin support and 
ManageSieve now has support for enforcing quota on the size of scripts, 
the number of scripts and the space the scripts occupy on disk.

Other than that, quite a few small bugs were fixed. One of which was in 
the i;ascii-numeric comparator. If one of the matched strings did not 
start with a digit, the comparator would always yield a 'less-than' 
result. In stead it should have considered the string starting with the 
non-digit character as having a positive infinite value. Elsewhere in 
this list, Julian Cowley pointed out that negative values also start 
with a non-digit character, which some people may not have understood 
(i.e. i;ascii-numeric works only on unsigned values). The bug fix in 
this release could therefore change result of certain misconceived (and 
probably spam-related) Sieve rules, so watch out!

I started work on the spamtest(plus) and virustest extensions. These are 
  implemented for the most part, but their configurability needs quite a 
bit more work.

Changelog Sieve v0.1.15:

  * Enotify extension:
     - Adjusted notify method API for addition of new notification
     - Set default importance level to 'normal' (was 'high').
  * Include extension: updated implementation towards most recent
    specification (all should be backwards compatible):
     - Implemented global variables namespace.
     - Global command may now appear anywhere in a script.
     - Implemented script name checking using the requirements specified
       in the ManageSieve draft.
     - One issue remains: ManageSieve currently requires included scripts
       to be uploaded first, which is not according to specification.
   * Changed envelope path parser to allow to and from envelope addresses
     that have no domain part.
   + Added preliminary support for Sieve plugins and added support for
     installing Sieve development headers.
   + Started work on the implementation of the spamtest, spamtestplus and
     virustest extensions (unfinished).
   + Deprecated notify extension: implemented denotify command.
   + Variables extension: added support for variable namespaces.
   + Added configurable script size limit. Compiler will refuse to
     compile files larger than sieve_max_script_size.
   + Testsuite changes:
      - Added support for changing and testing an extension's
      - Added a command line parameter for copying errors to stderr.
   - Fixed a bug in the i;ascii-numeric comparator. If one of the
     strings started with a non-digit character, the comparator would
     always yield less-than.
   - Imap4flags extension: fixed bug in removeflag: removing a single
     flag failed due to off-by-one error (bug report by Julian Cowley).
   - Improved EACCES error messages for stat() and lstat() syscalls and
     slightly improved error messages that may uccur when saving a
   - Vacation extension: fixed typo in runtime log message (patch by
     Julian Cowley).
   - Fixed use of minus '-' in man pages; it is now properly escaped.
   - Fixed parser recovery. In particular cases it would trigger spurious
     errors after an initial valid error and sometimes additional errors
     were inappropriately ignored.

Changelog ManageSieve v0.11.11:

   * This release contains adjustments to match changes in the Sieve API.
     This means that this release will only compile against Pigeonhole
     Sieve v0.1.15.
   + Implemented ManageSieve QUOTA enforcement.
   + Added MAXREDIRECTS capability after login.
   + Implemented new script name rules specified in most recent
     ManageSieve draft.
   - Fixed assertion failure occuring with challenge-response SASL
   - Made configure complain about trying to compile against installed
     Dovecot headers alone.
   - Fixed compile warning for compilation against CMUSieve.

The releases are available as follows:



   ManageSieve (package + patch):



Refer to http://pigeonhole.dovecot.org for more information. Have fun
testing the new releases and don't hesitate to notify me when there are


Stephan Bosch
stephan at rename-it.nl

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