[Dovecot] [SOLVED] Re: sieve is broken in the latest revision

interfaSys sàrl interfasys at gmail.com
Wed Sep 15 16:39:05 EEST 2010

On 15/09/2010 12:40, Stephan Bosch wrote:
>  Op 15-9-2010 13:36, interfaSys sàrl schreef:
>> Indeed, I had not recompiled Pigeonhole because the server is
>> unreachable.
>> I've tried with the latest revision I had and it didn't  help.
> Server is down due to maintenance. It should have taken just one hour,
> but for some reason it is taking much longer than that.
>> Is there a snapshot somewhere that would contain the necessary changes?
> There should be no need to download a new revision. A clean recompile
> should do the trick.
> Regards,
> Stephan.

It's fixed.
I apologize, I was linking against 2.0.2 instead of the latest revision...
Thanks for the help.



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